My friend Kassie threw a baby shower for me and baby Jackson. We had it on November 5th 2005. It was wonderful! She had made some great shrimp and crab treats (I love shrimp and crab!!) for us. We had a wonderful time. We were so busy visiting and talking that we didn't get many pictures taken.

Jackson got several wonderful things, a high chair, several cute outfits, a photo album, a stroller, burp cloths (hand made by Grandma of course), and a few gift cards so we can fill in whatever we still need for him.

Opening my first present and laughing with great friends.
One of my guests, Bryan's pediatrician, Dr. Kummer, from Billings.
My friends Kathy and Kassie. Kassie is the one who threw me the shower. THANK YOU KASSIE!
Morgan and her mom JoAnn. JoAnn and her family are great friends.
Our friend Jodi, her husband worked with Bryan for years.
Here I am with all of Jackson's goodies.
The wonderful lunch we had!

I don't have a picture of my Mom, since she was the one taking pictures!! It was so wonderful to have everyone there.